Alpha HGV invest to make training more interactive
‘There is nothing worse than sitting on a CPC and just listening to a trainer drone on,’
Sound familiar? We agree. While the majority of Driver CPC attendees have a less-than-enthusiastic attitudes towards Driver CPC, we understand that, if implemented correctly, training can be both useful and engaging. The major issues are course content and trainer performance, as we have already intimated, attendees do no wish to attend a CPC course and be droned at all day!

How can we combat this then?
After a successful trial, we are pleased to announce that Alpha HGV have invested further in voting software to accompany our courses. This means that attendees are kept engaged by ongoing quizzes, carried out in a straight forward manner that both open up gaps in their knowledge (which can be focused on) and reinforce any previous knowledge they have. All the results are displayed on-screen to add a competitive edge to their day. We have issued these training sets to all of our trainers who are carrying out Drivers Hours, Vehicle Safety, Vulnerable Road Users and Fleet Operator Compliance Training courses. Not only will they be available at our premises, but we can also use them on your own site.
The voting software will also fit perfectly in with our Transport Manager CPC Training syllabus. With ongoing feedback being seen by the trainer, it enables us to focus on what we need to focus on, and tailor the course specifically as we possibly can. In turn we hope that this will drive our already excellent pass-percentage forward.
With this added to our regularly updated courses, engaging course material and regularly assessed and qualified trainers, we have made it our mission to produce the best quality training we can.

For more information on our Driver CPC Courses then please get in touch on 01432 345556 or email