Carriage of Dangerous Goods
ADR Training
This course provides attendees the opportunity to gain information and knowledge to become familiar with the basic principles of ADR carriage of dangerous goods.
All individuals whose duties, directly or indirectly, involve the carriage of dangerous goods by Road, Sea, Rail or Air, are required to receive training appropriate to their responsibilities.
A short question and answer session will be included to test understanding.

Your Legal Obligation
ADR Awareness training in the transport of dangerous goods by road is a legal obligation in the UK, Europe and contracting territories, under ADR Chapter 1.3.
Who should attend?
Any person involved in packing, loading, picking, any warehouse & forklift operatives, freight forwarding or shipping agency office staff, supervisors, consignees and drivers of non-ADR vehicles.
Refresher Training
Duration: 3.5 days
(plus exams)
£495 inc VAT
Initial Training
Duration: 5 days
£575 inc VAT
Course Content
Under ADR regulations this section will point out to staff, and explain their legal responsibilities of consignors and carriers to ensure that they are legally compliant, explaining and homing in on company specific goods, and roles
What constitutes goods that fall under and within the ADR regulations showing their placards
Marking & Labelling:
Show how vehicles and packages are correctly marked and labelled Documentation: Ensuring that there is an understanding of the legal documentation that is required
Packaging Rules:
Explain the rules regarding UN approved packaging and exemptions from the ADR regulations
Security of Dangerous Goods:
This section covers the safe storage and carriage of all dangerous goods including High Consequence
Health and Safety:
Covers a basic understanding of Emergency First Aid, control of spillages and leaks and the potential of damaging and protection of the environment
Function Specific:
This section would be focused on the company’s movements and their products and potential hazard